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We Look After Physical Health. Why Not Mental Health?


Updated: Sep 10, 2021

To think about what looking after mental health means, it might be useful to reflect on how we look after our physical health these days.

When our back hurts, for example, we might think to go to orthopedics. If the orthopedist says there is nothing wrong, we might decide to see a physiotherapist. After the massage, the pain probably would not magically disappear but it would be alleviated to some extent. We might consider stretching or yoga to make sure that our back is in a good condition. We might review our posture, diet, sleep habit, the chair we sit in during the day, and the bed mattress. We might watch Youtube videos about back pain and read some articles about back pain on the Internet.

All these actions are because we do not want the back pain to limit what we want to do. We know it can be improved and it needs some work.

Back pain is not built up in a day, therefore, it cannot be cured in a day. It might be something we have to deal with for some time. We need to be patient and that can be hard work. But, we learn how to live with it. We learn what was causing the pain, what kind of professional services are available, where the information is available, what works well, what we can do on our own, what aspects of our daily life should be considered, and what reward we can get by doing so. We get used to it and it becomes part of our daily life.

What is interesting here is that, throughout this process, we are not embarrassed to look after our back pain.

We would probably say to our family or friends that we are seeing a physiotherapist regularly because our back hurts. We would share the knowledge of good exercise for back pain with our parents who also suffer from back pain. We would not think having back pain is "wrong" or "bad". We would think it simply needs some treatments.

Let’s think about a different scenario – what would happen if we did not do anything about our back pain? Well, it would not go anywhere. We might get a pain relief patch from chemists, which would work well for a while, but the symptoms would come back because the patch does not solve the cause. It bothers us to get up in the morning, discourages us to do some exercise, and troubles our work and social life.

OKUKO claims that mental health needs care and attention, just like physical health. Our physical health needs a considerable amount of care and attention - so why not our mental health?

OKUKO invites you to think about what you can do to look after your mental health. Music therapy at OKUKO can benefit you if you are feeling;

“I cannot do this anymore”

“I’m exhausted”

“I feel stuck”

If it sounds relatable to you, OKUKO offers space and time for you to think about your mental health together. OKUKO also welcomes those who have more specific issues they would like to work on;

- Depression

- Anxiety

- Panic attack

- Flashback

- Phobia

- Low self-esteem

- Self-harm

- Sleep disturbance

- Eating disturbance

- Emotional difficulty

- Addiction

- Obsession

Music therapy at OKUKO is for you if you are interested in looking after your mental health. OKUKO welcomes those who have diagnosis or are on medication as well as those who are without diagnosis or medication.

Would you like to see how OKUKO can support you to look after your mental health?

Please get in touch with us via contact form or email (

The steps below would be then followed.

Book an Assessment Session

(We will suggest potential dates for an assessment session for you.)

Assessment Session/s

(An assessment session aims for both of us to see how music therapy could meet your needs. It would be helpful for us to know the reason/s why you would like to have music therapy. There would be also a chance for us to play music together.)

Consent Form

(After the assessment, if you agree to start a course of music therapy, we will ask you to fill in a consent form and will discuss a start date with you.)

Start Music Therapy

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